Monday, May 24, 2010

Icewine - not just for dessert anymore!

... but was it ever, really, *just* for dessert?

The next time you're faced with the decision of which wine to serve with a spicy dish (thai, eastern, middle eastern, etc. or just something you've spiced up on your own), think sweet! The higher sugar and lower acid in icewine are a perfect pair for spicy food because they minimize the effect of the spice and heat on your tender tongue and palate.

Give it a try and let me know how it turns out!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Selling the house calls for champagne!

Yes, my friends, the house in Ottawa is sold. No realtor and no hassles, just an eager and very pleasant couple with charming kids who were in love, I would say, with the house from the moment they walked into our moving sale on April 24.

And thanks to a couple of dear friends who gave us a bottle of Maleta Winery's 2006 Old Vintages Brut Sparkling Wine (VQA Niagara-on-the-Lake), we had a little celebration on Wednesday night.

I have to track down more of this bubbly... it was fruitier than I expected and still crisp and highly acidic. It was definitely not a Dom, and that's definitely a good thing!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hello, Kingsville!

Finally, almost a year to the day of putting in our offer on 136 Main Street West, we are arrived and (almost) settled. Just a few more (hundred, it seems) boxes to unpack.

A family birthday celebration kicked off our arrival. On the menu? Coq-au-vin with pancetta, pearl onions, mushrooms and herbs served with basmatti rice, carrots and green beans. The coq-au-vin bubbled away for six hours in Pelee Island's 2008 Baco Noir and, naturally, that's what I served with the meal. An excellent pairing for the mushrooms and herbs.

To make matters more interesting, dinner on Monday was a re-creation of the above (leftovers with corn instead of carrots and green beans heated on the stove). I also added some hot sauce to give it a bit of a zing. We enjoyed it with an Alsacian Gewurztraminer which, in spite of the red wine in the original sauce, was a perfect complement for the spicy re-creation.

The moral? Proof that the same dish does not have to be served with the same wine. Get creative and let me know how it works!